Lean Manufacturing Products

Gennem Lean Manufacturing Products vil Virtual Manufacturing skabe refleksion og inspiration til vores nuværende kunder. Produkterne skal være overkommelige i pris og nyttige for at kunne hjælpe med det standardiserede arbejde, 5S såvel som dit fremtidige forbedringsarbejde. Vi vil hjælpe vores kunder med at finde de produkter og værktøjer, der skaber værdi i produktionen. Alt for at hjælpe vores kunder med at opnå operational excellence hurtigere.

Flow Racks

Virtual Manufacturing er leverandører af BeeWaTecs flow rack-system, som enten kan leveres færdigmonteret eller direkte fra kataloget, så du kan skabe dit helt eget produktionsmiljø. Du kan med lethed samle kanban-hylder, flow racks, transportvogne, tugger trains, arbejdsstationer og opbevaringshylder. På den måde kan du skabe mere effektive og ergonomisk korrekte arbejdspladser og produktionsmiljøer, som kan ændres igen og igen efter behov. Derfor er vores flow rack-system en perfekt måde at implementere kaizen og lean-produktionens principper på din arbejdsplads.





Where it’s a question of building trolleys with pipe racking systems which can handle jerks or high tensile stresses one comes up against the limits of what’s possible using conventional methods.

For this ­reason BeeWaTec has provides a solution which brings with it sufficient ­stability without curbing the flexibility of the pipe racking system: a robust square pipe base frame with brackets for the BeeWaTec pipe racking system by G.S ACE. The trolleys can be transported by forklift trucks by means of fork brackets. And the pre-fabricated joints of the square pipe system make it just as easy to manipulate without the need for welding as round pipes.

Individually designed trolley, made with square pipe, at the bottom part of the frame are brackets for forklifts.In order to improve handling of trains consisting of several trailers we have developed turntable steering, permitting the construction of trailers with very precise tracking. The construction uses a base frame made of stable square pipes.


Fleksible og ergonomiske arbejdspladser fylder en stor rolle i forhold til, hvor effektiv en produktion kan være. Arbejdspladsen skal tilpasse sig personen - ikke omvendt. Til at opfylde dette behov har vi et unikt modulsystem baseret på Pipe Racking-systemet med utallige muligheder. Det fleksible BeeWaTec-system til monteringsarbejdsstationer gør det muligt at arbejde effektivt, selv når kravene ændrer sig undervejs. På samme tid støtter det dine medarbejderes velbefindende, da de kan tilpasses de fysiske krav.




AGV - Automatic Guided Vehicles

Automatic guided vehicles have become part and parcel of many plants. Their economic and practical advantages, as well as their ongoing technical evolution, have opened up new areas, invariably replacing established transport equipment like forklifts and pallet trucks to create a “stackerless factory.”

In the development of its AGV solutions, BeeWaTec banks on simple ­solutions, cost-effective modular systems and smart processes that follow the lean manufacturing principle. The result are real low-cost solutions that can be implemented simply and at a competitive price, that are reliable in daily operation and can be adapted at all times to changing conditions.

Workstation Equipment

Virtual Manufacturing offers you a variety of equipment and work materials developed for professionals and tried and tested in practice. Because even though tasks and needs are different everywhere one thing remains constant: the highest expectations regarding stability, flexible use and durability.

  • Tool holder panels
  • Workplace mats
  • Magnetic tool holders
  • Plastic bins
  • Plastic boxes
  • Shadowboard
  • etc

Shopfloor Management

Lean management and lean administration methods have become increasingly accepted in many fields of processional life. “Lean” means, in effect, “adding value without waste” and has the aim of utilizing resources in the most effective way possible, safeguarding customer satisfaction and, in so doing, permanently improving the competitive position of companies.
BeeWaTec provides many simple yet sophisticated aids designed to optimize workflow management:

  • Kanban board system with planning accessories.
  • Personnel planning boards
  • Production monitoring boards.
  • Information board


  • Anna Andersson Lead Engineer - Lean manufacturing products

    • Telefon +46 (0)721-899761
    • Email anna.andersson@virtual.se

    Anna Andersson Lead Engineer - Lean manufacturing products

    • Telefon +46 (0)721-899761
    • Email anna.andersson@virtual.se
    • LinkedIn Profil
  • Torbjörn Danielsson Manager A&PF & I&M - Sales

    • Telefon +46 734-166000
    • Email torbjorn.danielsson@virtual.se

    Torbjörn Danielsson Manager A&PF & I&M - Sales

    • Telefon +46 734-166000
    • Email torbjorn.danielsson@virtual.se
    • LinkedIn Profil
  • Mikael Skirenstrand Lean Assembly

    • Telefon
    • Email mikael.skirenstrand@virtual.se

    Mikael Skirenstrand Lean Assembly

  • Gustav Svensson Konsulent

    • Telefon +46 (0)721-899769
    • Email gustav.svensson@virtual.se

    Gustav Svensson Konsulent

    • Telefon +46 (0)721-899769
    • Email gustav.svensson@virtual.se
    • LinkedIn Profil